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WoMen's Ministry

women's bible studies​​

Women's Friday morning Bible study will resume in January.


Women's Wednesday Bible study meets in Room 112 from 6:15 to 7:15 PM. 




Kim Shouse

Director of

Women's Ministry

Moms Ministry class meets on Fridays at 8:30 AM with a light breakfast and fellowship. Class ends at 10:30 AM. Childcare will be provided | Room 109

Purpose Statement​

Worship and glorify God in all we do.


obediently seek to be more Christ-like.


minister to the women of our church and community.


evangelize and encourage other women.


nurture one another as we mature in Godliness.


Additional resources:


RightNow MEDIA

Our church provides a FREE subscription to this service!


Learn More*:

*After you've logged in to RightNow MEDIA, follow these instructions to view content for women that has been specifically chosen by our church staff:


  • Click on the "Libraries" menu (top left):

RNM Screen Capture - Libraries.jpg
  • Select "First Baptist Church" from the pop-up list:

RNM Screen Capture - FBCPC List.jpg
  • Scroll down the page to see the list of selected women's Bible studies:

RNM Screen Capture - Womens Studies.jpg

For Online Bible Studies offered by LifeWay, click on the button below:

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